A Break in Routine

Photo Credit: Pascal Debrunner

I made the sad choice to delay and then cancel a much-anticipated adventure over the holidays as I got sick a week before the planned departure and my energy was not where it needed to be for me to fully enjoy the trip. After months of research and planning, it was a crushing disappointment. It was also quite depressing to disassemble it all in a few hours of phone calls attempting to recoup money spent on flights, lodging and rental cars. Nevertheless, it felt like the wiser course of action.

Once the reality of the shift set in, I slowly began to experience the benefits of having a block of time with literally nothing on the calendar. I relished the freedom to sleep in, read books I’d had on the shelf for a while, listen to new podcasts and even aspired to some home improvement projects as I regained strength. Prior to falling ill, I’d been driving hard, wrapping up loose ends for the year, finalizing plans for the trip, such that I’d barely glanced sideways to soak in the holiday cheer.

On the upside, suddenly finding myself in a space with nothing planned gave me a chance to truly rest. Historically, I’ve not been much of a home body, but I began to appreciate the benefits of a “staycation”, wrapping myself in a cocoon, isolated from the roaring hum of my life. It gave me the chance to envision plans for the future and process the challenges and accomplishments of the year.

Leaders- what do you need to be intentional about taking a break from the pounding drum of weekly and monthly rituals that typically define your days? How might stepping back serve you if you design the pause vs. waiting until circumstances dictate a mandatory break?

Going further, what would it look like to corral your team to a quiet space and time for the purpose of reconnecting with one another, checking in on what’s working well and exploring how current modus operandi might be honed to flow even better? How might creating a day away from the office or even an on-site retreat to intervene in the monotony of ongoing patterns give you a fresh look at what’s possible? May the new year find you open to shaping a future that truly brings you joy.

“I’m reflective only in the sense that I learn to move forward.

I reflect with a purpose.”

Kobe Bryant


Theory and Practice